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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译中文英语 挽回 retrieve; take back   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

从词典的另一端匹配条目主要翻译英语中文 recuperate sth vtr (money: regain, get back) (损失)SCSimplified Chinese 挽回, 弥补  We expect to recuperate our investment in two years.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 save sth vtr (sports: win) (体育比赛)SCSimplified Chinese 挽救, 挽回  He saved the game with his goal. salvage sth vtr figurative (save from bad situation)SCSimplified Chinese 挽救 wǎn jiù TCTraditional Chinese 挽救   SCSimplified Chinese 挽回 wǎn jiù,wǎn huí TCTraditional Chinese 挽回  The breakup of their relationship was acrimonious, but at least Michelle managed to salvage her self-respect.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 复合形式:英语中文 redeem yourself vtr + refl (make amends)SCSimplified Chinese 弥补,挽回 mí bǔ,wǎn huí TCTraditional Chinese 彌補,挽回  Tess got off to a bad start with her parents-in-law, but she redeemed herself by offering to do the washing up. retrieval n (act of retrieving) (物件)SCSimplified Chinese 复得,收回,取回 fù dé ,shōu huí,qǔ huí TCTraditional Chinese 收回   SCSimplified Chinese 挽回,挽救 wǎn huí,wǎn jiù TCTraditional Chinese 挽回,挽救   (计算机)SCSimplified Chinese 检索 jiǎn suǒ  Retrieval of the ball from the neighbour's garden was tricky, involving Tim having to climb over the fence without being seen.  要想从邻居花园把球取回来,有些棘手,提姆需要在不被人发现的前提下翻过栅栏。 salvage sth vtr figurative (negotiations) (谈判等)SCSimplified Chinese 挽救,挽回 wǎn jiù,wǎn huí TCTraditional Chinese 挽救,挽回  The talks had broken down and it wasn't easy to salvage them.  谈判已经破裂,要挽回并非易事。 undo sth vtr (reverse) (使不好的局面好转或恢复原状)SCSimplified Chinese 修复,挽回,逆转,清除 xiū fù,wǎn huí,nì zhuǎn ,qīng chú TCTraditional Chinese 修復,挽回,清除   (使恢复原状)SCSimplified Chinese 恢复,复原, 还原,取消,撤销 huī fù,fù yuán,qǔ xiāo,chè xiāo TCTraditional Chinese 恢復,取消,撤銷   (与之前的作用相反而互相消除,进而恢复原状)SCSimplified Chinese 抵消 dǐ xiāo TCTraditional Chinese 抵消  It's your fault Tom's upset; you did it, so now you have to find a way to undo it!  让汤姆不开心是你的错;既然是你造成的,那现在你就得想办法挽回。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: 挽回  wǎnhuí 动 redeem 挽回局面 wǎnhuí júmiàn redeem the situation 挽回面子 wǎnhuí miànzi save face

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